For more information on spaying and neutering rabbits and choosing a clinic, please see the Wabbitwiki article here.

Costs of a spay or neuter will vary based on your location and availability of the service. On the low end, the procedure can begin at ~US$50 at low cost spay/neuter clinics. At private veterinarians, the cost can be US$200+ due to additional tests and monitoring to reduce surgery risks. To properly compare costs, please take a look at your line-by-line invoice that breaks down all the costs.

This information is provided only for your convenience and in no way should be considered an endorsement by the website. The following table has been compiled from reliable resources that have indicated that the listed clinics will treat rabbits. We cannot guarantee your satisfaction with any veterinarian - please call and ask your own questions before using a clinic listed below.

Please view the table with desktop view on your phone or on a computer for advanced search, group, sort, and filter options. Use the “View larger version” button at the bottom right of the embedded table to open up a new tab with a full-screen table.

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