What are the Discord server rules?
The server rules are listed below in detail, but they can also be found at any time in the #info channel. Users that join and participate in the server implicitly agree to abide by our community guidelines.
No images, discussions, or jokes about animal death, dispatch, and processing. No discussion of rabbit consumption at all.
Trolls will be kicked and banned. The server is full of animal lovers, and these topics can be very upsetting to users. Livestock use of any animal species should not be mentioned on the server.
While we are sorry to hear of all pet losses, do not post any pictures of your deceased pet on the server.
Although some general personal food discussion is okay, be considerate of other users that do not adhere to the same diet.
No advertising or discussing intentional breeding of all species.
We believe that all pet rabbits should be spayed and neutered, and adoption from shelters and rescues is highly encouraged. We understand that this philosophy may not extend to other species for all users, but out of respect for those that do and because the server is primarily focused on pet house rabbit care, do not mention or discuss breeding of any animal species on the server, whether it be fish, insects, or even wild animals for conservation.
If you plan on intentionally breeding your rabbits, especially as a new rabbit owner, this server is not for you. If you have multiple intact rabbits, keep them separated 24/7 to avoid accidental litters.
No baby bunny pictures from intentionally-planned rabbit litters are allowed on the server in any channel. Exceptions apply for educational resources from rabbit breeders.
If you have past experience with intentional rabbit breeding, do not mention or discuss the topic or use breeder rhetoric in our server. Users breaking this rule may be banned with or without warning.
Personal fundraising and self-promotion is allowed in limited circumstances.
Private message (PM) @Mod Mailbox to request moderator approval before posting.
Personal fundraising links on the server not posted by a moderator will be automatically removed. Requests that are not rabbit-related or from active users will be automatically denied. Self-promotion should not be done in the form of PMing other users in the server – offending users will be banned.
No NSFW material or gore.
This includes both messages and personal profiles, nicknames, and statuses. Exceptions may apply in #thumpers if the material is related to poor rabbit/animal care or activism. Graphic images asking about health problems, wound care, or rabbit sexing are okay in #health_n_care.
Please mark as spoilers appropriately. If you are unable to spoiler your images on mobile, please prefix your image caption with
and the tag bot will delete and re-post your images as a spoiler with your caption.No other violent or disturbing content is allowed, especially in other channels. Images and videos of rabbits humping are unnecessary and inappropriate.
No political or religious discussions.
Exceptions may apply in #thumpers if related to animal activism. No other discussions related to current politics or religious opinions are allowed. Please remember this is a server for bunny owners and enthusiasts, and these topics are best discussed elsewhere.
Follow channel-specific rules.
Each channel has its own set of rules and discussion topics outlined in the description and in their pinned posts. Please keep channels on topic as much as possible.
In case of abuse, please ping @Moderators for immediate attention in a channel. If our moderation bot removes your messages due to censored words and topics, please do not try to get around the filter. Spam-like behavior may also lead to automated bot censoring and muting.
Users that are repeatedly unable to follow the rules may be kicked and banned with or without warning.
Be a good community member.
Be honest, ethical, and respectful. There is no tolerance for rudeness, personal attacks, or any general bad or poor conduct as judged by moderators. Absolutely no racist, sexist, or anti-lgbtqia+ behavior will be condoned. This includes statuses and personal profiles.
Do not lie about experiences or credentials, and do not be defensive when other users give constructive comments. Misinformation can lead to warnings, kicks, and bans with or without warning.
Do not post personal information or photos of others without their consent. Do not take screenshots of our server to use maliciously off-server. Targeted harassment towards specific users or businesses is also not tolerated.
Users that cannot or refuse to follow moderator instructions can and will be kicked and banned with or without warning.
If you would like to report problematic behavior or have any feedback on specific instances of server moderation, PM @Mod Mailbox.
Be mindful of tagging and pinging.
Be considerate and avoid pinging other users unless appropriate or requested. Discord’s reply feature often has default pings turned on and can be very disruptive to users.
If you have an urgent emergency rabbit health concern, @Bunny Royalty is available for pings. In case of abuse, please ping @Moderators for immediate attention in a channel. The royalty group and moderators should not be pinged for general rabbit care questions.
Server nicknames should be easily readable and typed.
All nicknames should begin with ASCII characters. Zalgo in nicknames will be censored. Nicknames in the server that start with or include significant amounts of non-ASCII characters will be modified by moderators without warning.