Simethicone is a great over-the-counter (OTC) medication from the pharmacy to have at home in case of an acute stasis incident from gas. For other items that a rabbit owner should have in their personal rabbit first aid kit, please see the WabbitWiki article here.
Infant liquid simethicone (usually a 20mg/ml suspension) is the best type of simethicone to use for dosing convenience, but if one cannot be located, you may use adult tablets and softgels and dose appropriately based on concentration. Rabbits are usually given 1-2cc of infant liquid simethicone every hour for the first three hours of an acute gas incident, which would be 20-40 mg of simethicone per dose.
Simethicone has no known drug interactions and is not absorbed through the intestinal lining. It acts only on a mechanical principle: it changes the surface tension of the frothy gas bubbles in the gut, joining them into larger, easier-to-pass bubbles. While this treatment alone will not return function to the intestinal tract, it appears to have no ill effects.
The following are a few brands around the world that are safe to use with rabbits. This is not a comprehensive list – if you find an infant simethicone brand in your pharmacy not listed, check that they are alcohol-free and that if they use flavorings, that they are rabbit-safe and do not contain xylitol.